If guests show up to a canceled experience, please handle payments or refunds as below.
If You Decide to Carry out the Event
1. Receiving Payments Directly from Guests
If guests sign up on the day of the event without paid reservations, you can collect payments directly from them on sight.
If you are accepting cash, please keep change on hand, and ensure accuracy when calculating totals, etc.
When you collect payments directly from the guests on the day of the event, you will not be charged for the service fees. However, any transactions made outside our system will not be supported or mediated by us.
2. Receiving Payments through Our System
Regarding the last-minute sign-ups or purchases made on the event date, you can receive the payments through our system post-event too. You can do so by simply contacting us and sending the information below:
- Guest information (registered name, email address, phone number)
- Title of the experience and its listing URL
- Event date/time
Once we receive your request, we will contact the guest and send instructions to make a payment via our system.
If You Decide NOT to Carry out the Event
Sometimes hosts forget to cancel an experience on our system, but rather just send out a cancellation notification via group messaging to guests. In this case, some guests may miss the messaging and show up on the event site. The hosts have to give refunds to the guests because the cancellation procedure was not properly done.
Since the refund cannot be done through our system on and beyond the day of the event, in such cases, the hosts will have to contact us for the refund process. When contacting us, please include the information below:
- Guest information (registered name, email address, phone number)
- Title of the experience and its listing URL
- Event date/time
For more details on our cancellation policy, please see the article below:
- "Our Cancellation Policy"
Related Article:
- "Hor Host: Our Rules"