After publishing a listing for your experience event, you need to register the event's dates/times so that guests can start signing up.
You can only register the event dates and times after publishing the listing.
How to Register Event Dates
Open the Calendar
You can register event dates using the event calendar featured on our website.
(You cannot register event dates via our app.)
From Your PC:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Dashboard"
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Event Calendar"
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Dashboard"
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Manage Your Events"
- Select "Event Calendar"
From Your Smartphone:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Event Calendar"
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Manage Your Events"
- Select "Event Calendar"
Select the Date on the Calendar
Once you open the event calendar, you can register event dates by following these steps:
- Select your date of choice on the calendar feature
- Select the event you want to manage
- Select the start time from the pull-down menu
- Click "Register" (which is located at the bottom)
After the event date is registered, the calendar will show a "✔" symbol, which means that you are hosting an event on this day.
To check if the event date registration is complete, make sure that the "✔" symbol is showing on the calendar. If you don't see the "✔" symbol, the event date is not registered.
If you want to change the start time of an event for which you have already registered, you can do so by clicking on the date of the registered event you want to manage.
How to View the Dates for a Specific Experience Event
If you want to view the dates for a specific experience event, you can do so by following the steps below.
From Your PC:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Dashboard"
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Event Calendar"
- Click on the "▼" symbol from "All Experience Events ▼"
- Select the event you want to view
From Your Smartphone:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Event Calendar"
- Click on the "▼" symbol from "All Experience Events ▼"
- Select the event you want to view
On the calendar, the details of the registered events can be modified later by date. You can also view the dates of the past events and canceled events as well as the registered events.
Registering Multiple Events on the Same Date/Time
You can register two or more events on the same date with the same start time. In this case, the first event to get the first guest signup will remain active, and the other event(s) will be automatically canceled.
Checking How Guests View My Event Listing
The date/time of your registered event will be shown at the center of the experience event listing page, in a section titled "Information on Upcoming Events."
You can check how guests see your listing page by following these steps:
From Your PC:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Dashboard"
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Manage Events"
- Select an event you want to manage
- Select "Published Listings"
From Your Smartphone:
- Log in to
- Click on the Account icon in the upper right corner
- Select "Host Menu"
- Select "Manage Events"
- Select an event you want to manage
- Select "Published Listings"
If you have multiple dates for an event, the event calendar will be displayed by clicking the "Register" button on the experience event listing page.
Related Articles:
- "For Hosts: Registering Event Date on the Day"
- "For Hosts: How to Use the Calendar"