Guests will feel more comfortable booking if the listing includes detailed information about who typically signs up, when and where the event is held, what guests will be doing during the event, etc.
The listing has to include information such as:
- A title that tells what guests will do for the experience
- A description of the experience
- The main photo which represents the experience
- About 3-5 supplementary photos which show activities, participants, and atmosphere of the experience
- The description of ideal/recommended guest profiles that are suitable for the experience
- A paragraph that explains your motivation as a host
When drafting a listing is done, click the "Publish" button.
Other Important Things
- You must have your phone number and email address verified before you publish a listing.
- The contents of all published listings will be reviewed by us. We may contact you with requests to modify a part of the listing after the page has been published.
Related Article: For Hosts: How to Create a New Listing