For the best experience on our website, we recommend using the following browsers and their corresponding versions:
- Microsoft Edge (latest version)
- Google Chrome (latest version)
- Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
Internet Explorer is not supported.
・Mac OS X
- Safari (latest version)
- Google Chrome (latest version)
- Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
- Safari (iOS 11 or higher)
- Google Chrome (Android 5.0 or higher)
Using a browser that isn't one of our recommended options may cause images or buttons to display incorrectly. If you experience this issue, we recommend switching to a recommended browser and making sure you have the correct version installed.
- External website: What is "Update"?(JP)
If you continue to use a device without updating the software, it will not be able to add new functions or improve its performance, and the software may cause problems such as slow processing or security vulnerabilities. Since new viruses and malware are created daily on the Internet, it is best to keep your OS up-to-date to avoid the risk of infection by viruses.
Please note that we are unable to provide assistance with any issues that may arise while using our service on a browser other than the recommended one.