This page covers some preventive measures and also reminds you of the importance of good manners to ensure the most pleasant experience for the guests.
Preventing Infectious Diseases
Hosts must take preventive measures at events to protect themselves and guests from infectious diseases, which are not limited to COVID-19.
To offer safe and comfortable experiences to guests, hosts are expected to follow the guidelines we created, which is based on "the New Lifestyle (新しい生活様式 Atarashii Seikatsu Yoshiki)" by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
When planning and hosting experiences, please read carefully and comply with the following guidelines, including the "Three Basics Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases".
Three Basics Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases
- Keep a distance: Maintain space between people, preferably 2 meters (1 meter minimum).
- Wear a mask: Cover mouths when you are indoors or talking to each other closely.
- Wash hands: Use water and soap to wash hands frequently, especially after touching objects or moving from one space to another.
What Hosts Should Do
- Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are touched often (e.g., bathroom, sinks, tables, etc.).
- Minimize the use of shared items (e.g., Ask guests to bring their own cups or chopsticks, etc.).
- Always check the temperature of yourself and the guests at the site AND one day in advance of the event.
- If you feel sick or have a fever on the day of the event, cancel or reschedule. If guests feel sick or have a fever on the day of the event, ask them not to participate in the event.
- Check for updated information about the status of infectious diseases in the area where the event takes place. Plan ahead and prepare what to do in case someone close to you becomes positive for an infectious disease on/around the day of the event.
Experiences That Include Cooking (Fruit and Vegetable Harvesting, Cooking Classes, Etc.)
- Comply with the "Three Basics Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases" (see above).
- When being indoors, avoid confined spaces, crowds and close contacts - keep it a small group.
- Adjust the maximum number of guests in accordance with the size of the room.
- Provide adequate ventilation of interior spaces.
- When eating, don't share food from a large plate but serve it on individual plates.
- Wash your hands immediately after sneezing and blowing your nose.
- Minimize talking while eating. After a meal, cover mouths with masks for conversations.
Experiences That Include Eating and Drinking in Eateries
- Comply with the "Three Basics Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases" (see above).
- When ordering food, don't order food in a large portion to share but order food individually.
- Avoid busy hours.
- Don't share drinkware
- Wash your hands immediately after sneezing and blowing your nose.
- Minimize talking while eating. After a meal, cover mouths with masks for conversations.
Please see our policies for more information.
Consent for Photos and Videos
When taking photos or videos at an event, be sure to obtain the permission of your guests. If you are going to publish photos or videos on any media including the internet (e.g., SNS, a blog, etc.), you have to obtain additional consent specifically for that purpose.
Taking photos/videos at your event or publishing those materials without consent may cause legal conflict such as invasion of privacy. Please ensure to ask guests to give you appropriate consent to avoid future troubles.
Making Good Impressions on Guests
Guests take part in the experiences in anticipation of meeting new people and having a special moment. Please make sure that you practice nice manners and wear proper attire to make a good impression on guests.
Guests may feel a little anxious at first, especially when participating in an event taking place on a host's private premises or in private/small group experiences. While hosting, please communicate with guests closely, be attentive, and do everything you can to make guests feel welcome and relaxed.
If some of your guests say inappropriate comments or behave inappropriately, please report to the admin.
Permission to Use a Venue for an Event
Some public venues may require you to obtain permits or prohibit commercial use. When you are planning to use a public venue such as a park or a meeting room for your event, please reach out to the appropriate contact to find out the terms before you publish the experience listing page.
Related Articles:
- "For Hosts: Rules for Hosting Experiences Online"
- "For Hosts: Things Prohibited by Laws"
- "For Hosts: Our Rules"
- "For Hosts: Safety Rules"