When you host experiences online, please make sure that you follow the guidelines listed below.
1. Do not list online and in-person experiences together.
Please create separate listings for online and in-person experiences even when they share the same theme.
To avoid confusion, when you create a listing for the online experience, make sure that the description states clearly that it will be an online event.
2. Describe which online meeting tool you will use.
When you create a listing for an online experience, please make it clear which online meeting tool you use (e.g., "The experience will be held via Zoom.")
For more information on recommended online meeting tools, please see HERE.
3. Host only the live, interactive online experience
Only a real-time, interactive live event using video conferencing tools is permitted for an online experience.
The non-live, non-interactive format that consists of only distributing pre-recorded videos or YouTube links, etc. is prohibited.
Audio-only or text-only interaction (e.g. exchanging texts in a chat box, etc.) is not permitted either.
However, it is okay to share the recording with a guest who couldn't join on the day of the event.
4. Hybrid Events Are Not Recommended
We do not recommend hybrid events, meaning having both online and offline guests participate in the same event. It is difficult to host both online and in-person guests at the same time, and the operational complexity leads to lower guest satisfaction.
If you want to host a hybrid event, please ensure that there are no differences in content or satisfaction levels regardless of the participation methods.
If you host an experience in a hybrid style, make sure the listing clarifies that the event may have both online and in-person guests at the same time. For example:
"This experience may include both online and in-person participants. We will have separate facilitators for online and in-person guests to ensure that everything runs smoothly."
5. Be Aware of Limitations on Shipping Food Items to Guests
Sending perishable items (e.g., fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, and seafood) to guests without proper permission or a license is prohibited due to the risk of food poisoning.
Shipping perishables directly from producers to the guests, you may not need special permission. However, it is the hosts' responsibility to contact the local municipal government for the need for permission or a license.
Sealed Non-Perishable Foods
You may not need permission or a license from your local municipal government if you are shipping a non-perishable food item in sealed packaging that was purchased from a licensed vendor. However, if you open the packaging before shipping the food item to your guests, you may need to get permission or a license from the local municipal government.
Examples: What You Can or Cannot Do Without a Proper License
Things you can ship without a proper license:
- Homemade food items made by you
- Purchased food items in sealed packaging but opened by you before sending to the guests
What you can do without a proper license:
- Sending a link to a shopping site to guests so that they can purchase the food items directly from a licensed vendor
The rules for food shipping licensing or approval vary depending on how food items are packaged and the type and scale of the business, etc. The host should consult with the local public health center in advance to determine whether or not shipping food items to guests is possible.
This shipping limitation does not apply to those who already have their own mail-order food business or have a permit or authorization from the public health center. In this case, please include the description of the license you have in your profile.
6. Protect Guests' Personal Information
If you need to obtain mailing addresses, etc. from guests to ship materials prior to the experience, please be sure to clearly state this in the listing. Please note, before getting their personal information, you have to obtain consent, and the shipping information should be collected individually via private messaging.
In the listing please also clarify that the personal information obtained for shipping will not be used for any other purposes.
If a guest requests us to delete a message containing his/her personal information, please contact us. We will delete it immediately.
7. You Can't Host Experiences That Involves Sending Items to Guests from Overseas
Within Aini, you can't host any experiences that involve sending items from overseas to guests who live in Japan due to the complexity of the customs and the regulations of the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan.
Instead of sending the items to guests from you, send links to online shops and ask guests to purchase directly from the vendors. Please do not include the cost of the items in the price of the experience.
8. Acquire a License for Sending and Selling Alcohol Items to Guests
If you are hosting an experience that involves sending or selling alcoholic beverages, you are required to obtain an online alcohol retail license (tsushin hanbai shurui kourigyo menkyo/通信販売酒類小売業免許). If you have a license, please make it clear on your profile and/or the listing.
A host who does not have the proper license cannot sell alcoholic beverages during the online experience.
9. Don't Drive a Car While Conducting an Online Event
Operating devices such as a smartphone while driving a car could have serious consequences. We prohibit hosts from conducting online activities while driving.
Please see HERE for more detail.
Other Important Things
Recommended Meeting Tool
We recommend Zoom as the online meeting tool. Please see HERE to learn more.
Be Aware of a Proper Use of Copyrighted Materials
If you are going to use any copyrighted materials such as music, videos, or books during the experience, the copyrighted materials have to be just a part of the experience but not the main or the entire content of the experience.
- It is okay to host an online bar experience and incorporate karaoke as a part of the experience.
- It is NOT okay to host an online karaoke experience.
Set the Number of Attendees Included in the Price
For online experiences, the limit of attendees per sign-up should be decided by the host and should be clearly stated on the listing.
- "The price for one adult includes one Zoom connection with up to three people."
- "The price is per participant, not per the number of Zoom connections. For example, if two people are attending from your household and sharing the same Zoom connection, you have to pay prices for two people."
Related Articles:
- "For Host: Aini's Guideline"
- "For Host: Things Prohibited by Laws"
- "For Hosts: Alert System for Violations of Terms of Use/Guidelines"